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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dear Sixteen Year Old Niece...Beach time is almost here

Dear sixteen year old, (soon to be seventeen in 8 days) darling, sweet niece (and all the other sixteen year old nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, cousins, sons, daughters of someone who loves you) stop what you're doing and spend just 5:04 minutes to watch this video http://www.youtube.com/embed/_4jgUcxMezM

Why watch it? 'Cuz today you posted on facebook "whats up sun poisoning...was hoping i wouldn't see you till the summer..." and that made me sad. Yea, I'm gonna get a little preachy here because I really want you to hear me, not roll your eyes and pretend to listen - it's really important that you understand this. It's not just me saying "use that sunscreen" and nagging about it just to hear the sound of my own voice. I really care about you, really, really love and adore you as a matter of fact and I want you to live a long healthy, skin cancer free life!

I know, I know, I did it too and so did lots of my friends - a long time ago - lather on the baby oil, no sunscreen. Back in the dark ages (70's) it was called sun tan lotion (spf 2 or 4) and the smell of it every year just meant lots of summer time fun. I burned all the time, baby oil was not good for my skin nor was the spf 2 or 4 lotion. But I didn't have anyone telling me the real deal back then...no one really knew better. But today they do because lots of those people are now grown up (or not) and have experienced some type of skin cancer - yep, me too - basil cell on my nose, smack.dab.in.the.middle.of.my.nose. Luckily it was found early and taken care of but dear niece you have other members of your family too who also have had skin cancer so you might be predisposed to it.

Dear Sixteen Year Old Niece, ok, enough already I know...just watch the video, I'm just sayin' it's worth a listen and please, please, please put that 30+ sunscreen on!

I love you!!!!

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