It was 8 pm. on March 5, 2009 when our son-in-law called to let us know that our sweet daughter Jenn had gone into labor. Uh oh...we were 2 hours away and definitely needed to be there! It was our first grandchild and I definitely wanted to be in the room (and she wanted me there too!) to see our sweet baby boy be born. I had to photograph this special moment in time...don't have that baby before we get there, I said to Tim! Well, she wasn't far along so we waited for another call. At 11:30 that night Tim called, she was admitted and we all decided that it was going to take a while. We set our alarm clock for 4 a.m. so we could be on the road. At 6 a.m. Jenn called and said she was starting to feel contractions but no pain. Ok, let's get going...showered and in the car by 7:30 a.m. Whew...good thing we got a bit of sleep and didn't miss anything.
When we arrived at the hospital at 9:30 a.m. Jenn was resting comfortably. By noon she was not so comfortable and at 1:05 p.m., March 6, 2009 our sweet adorable, (1 month early) baby boy - Beckett was born.
Today he turns SIX! I can hardly believe it and wonder as I do often where did those years go? But, I have a way to remember...because his life is documented in my photographs. They are not always perfect but they are real. They help me and my family remember all the joy that Beckett has brought us!
Here is his first portait...with 4 of the people who love him the most! He headed home within a day or two wrapped up tight with a bit of jaundice. He had the most adorable lips and cutest face.

So many things change in a baby's first year. We were glad we got to experience all the firsts with Beckett. He was a knee walker...crawled a bit but really loved to walk on his knees. I'll never
forget it. We used to wonder if his knees were sore and worry that they were going to be cut and bruised but it was never an issue for him.
On his first birthday it was a sunny, warm day and we celebrated with cake outside. He didn't like cake very much. So, for his first birthday portrait we had to 'do cake'! Yep, he cried and at first didn't want anything to do with that round colorful thing on the floor. But after a bit of cajoling he reached over just to taste, just touch!

Ahhhh...3 - everything was bigger at 3! Beckett was bigger, the toys were bigger, the cake was bigger! (made by a special client of mine). The cute faces captured in portraits were bigger. Our love for him was bigger! He loved that tractor and on his third birthday he decided he didn't want to get dressed either. What's wrong with being in your pj's thought Beckett? So, we celebrated regardless!

When Beckett was four he really became aware of superheroes. He loved Batman and Spiderman. His attire was one big superhero...from pj's to tshirts to underwear. Great marketing in those companies! One day as Beckett played with my hair (he loved playing with mine and his Mom's long hair) "Nana, I love you in my heart!" Tears...mine, my heart was overflowing!
This last year has seen the biggest changes. His hair has gone from short to long to short again. He started kindergarten, is learning to read, 2 of his teeth are loose and he is not a baby anymore! At his 5th birthday I didn't take many photos of his celebration. Shame on me - never again. I want to remember those moments...all of them!

In the early years, I spent many nights helping Jenn get Beckett to sleep. He was a tough sleeper.
I would rock him in my arms & sing to him for hours. Then just when I thought him asleep, taking a slow step toward the door he'd wake and we'd start all over again. I used to wish he'd hurry off to dreamland but there are some days now when I long to hold him in my arms and rock him gently back to sleep once more. Funny what time will do...but I remember.
We've spent many a day playing, cooking, reading, laughing, hugging, kissing, singing, rubbing his back instead of rocking to sleep now. I've learned more about Superheroes, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Legos than I ever thought possible. He still loves to wear anything with a superhero on it. Beckett runs up to us yelling Nana! Papa! and we squeeze him tight, ready to play all over again. As Gretchen Rubin once said, "the days are long, but the years are short." We know that to be true even as his grandparents. I'm grateful for photographs and portraits for it helps us remember. What will you remember???
Today Beckett turns SIX and we look forward to another celebration!
Happy 6th Birthday, sweet, darling, curious, intelligent, sensitive Beckett boo! Our world changed for the better the day you were born! Much love to you...Nana & Papa! xoxo
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